Set Delegation Settings

Delegation is used to designate someone else, a delegate, to receive your phone calls. Your delegate is essentially your phone number's receptionist. When a call comes to your number, your delegate's phone will ring, not yours. Your delegate can then transfer the call to you or just handle the call themselves.
Delegation is a better permanent solution to handling someone else's call, compared to forwarding, which is a better temporary solution.
  1. Go to and sign in using Shibboleth.
  2. On the left-side menu options, click on Phone.
  3. Scroll down to the Delegation & Assistant section.
  4. Under the Delegation option, click on Set next to Assign delegation privileges to.
  5. Enter the name of a user to be your delegate, then press on the blue Invite button.
Your delegate request will be sent. The delegate will get an invitation that they must accept before the delegation becomes active. If they deny your delegation invitation, the delegation request is erased, and the delegator can choose someone else to assign those privileges to.