Allemp and Allstu Information

Delivery Options
You can choose how you’d like to receive allemp and allstu messages.  There are four delivery options for the new allemp and allstu. You can tell the system to:
  1. Send an email for every new message
  2. Send combined updates (25 messages per email or once per day)
  3. Send daily summaries (once per day)
  4. Don’t send email updates (access allemp and allstu through Google Groups site)

If you already receive allemp or allstu messages in your inbox, your default setting is to “send combined updates.” You will receive a single message whenever 25 messages have been sent, but you’ll get at least one message a day even if 25 haven’t been sent in that day. 

If you would like to continue to receive an email for every new allemp or allstu message, or turn off delivery entirely, you can change your group membership settings using the instructions below.

Change My Subscription Settings
Would you like to receive more or less messages? You can change your delivery preferences with the "My Settings" button at the upper right corner of the allemp or allstu group page. 

Then choose "Membership and email settings." Select your preferred delivery setting and click save.

If you wish to leave the group, you can also do that through the "My Settings" button in the allemp or allstu group page. After you click the button, select "Leave this group" and confirm.

The allemp and allstu archives are available to anyone with a Kenyon email account, even if you are not subscribed to receive email messages. The easiest way to access Google Groups is from Gmail. Click the Apps icon in the upper right corner of Gmail and select Groups. From here you can see all the groups you are a member of and browse a list of groups available to join. 

Direct links to the new allemp and allstu groups archives.

To Join allemp or allstu, visit the allemp or allstu Google Group page and click the blue "Join group" button.