Chalmers Group Study "TruTouch" TVs

How to use the "TruTouch" interactive TVs in the Chalmers Group Study rooms

1.  Press the Power button on the front of the TV

2.  Press the TV screen to Start


3.  Press the "Sources" icon .

4.  Press the PC icon in upper left for PC use or the HDMI Rear Icon for Apple TV use

5.  PC will display full screen

6.  Swipe up with your finger on the TV to bring up the Windows login screen

7.  Use the wireless keyboard provided in the room to log in.  (A digital keyboard will also pop up on the screen, if needed, once your click inside a text entry box.

8.  At end of your session, Please Log out of the PC.

9.  To turn off the TV, press the power button on the TV, press "End Meeting", then "Confirm."  TV will power off.