Edit your Profile

  1. Sign into your profile by going to kenyon-edu.zoom.us/signin.
  2. After signing in using Shibboleth and Duo two-factor authentication, click on the Edit button next to your name.
  3. Here, you can change:
    1. First Name - set this to your preferred first name (nothing else)
    2. Last Name - set this to your preferred last name (nothing else)
    3. Display Name - set this to the name you want to appear in meetings (DO NOT include pronouns here!)
    4. Pronouns - set this to your preferred pronouns (they/them/their, she/her/hers, he/him/his, etc.)
    5. Where you want your pronouns to appear
  4. Click on the blue Save button before continuing.
  5. If you scroll down further on this same page, you can also set
    1. Company - Kenyon College
    2. Location - Gambier (or what city/state you're in if you are remote)
    3. Department