- Sign into your profile by going to kenyon-edu.zoom.us/signin.
- After signing in using Shibboleth and Duo two-factor authentication, click on the Edit button next to your name.
- Here, you can change:
- First Name - set this to your preferred first name (nothing else)
- Last Name - set this to your preferred last name (nothing else)
- Display Name - set this to the name you want to appear in meetings (DO NOT include pronouns here!)
- Pronouns - set this to your preferred pronouns (they/them/their, she/her/hers, he/him/his, etc.)
- Where you want your pronouns to appear
- Click on the blue Save button before continuing.
- If you scroll down further on this same page, you can also set
- Company - Kenyon College
- Location - Gambier (or what city/state you're in if you are remote)
- Department