Mobile ID Android Installation

1. Open the Play Store.

2. Search for "CBORD Mobile ID".

3. Install "CBORD Mobile ID".

4. Open the Mobile ID app.

5. In the top-right, tap the three vertical dots to open the dropdown menu, tap Settings.


7. Type "" and tap OK.

8. The app will ask you to log in. Tapping OK will redirect you to web browser on your phone.

9. Enter your Kenyon username and password. You will then be prompted with a Duo request. Accept this request and return to the Mobile ID app.

10. Tap Authorize.

11. To use your smartphone to open a door, open the Mobile ID app. The app will automatically select your most recent or most used door. If that door is correct, slide the card icon across the line above Swipe Card. Otherwise, tap Choose. Type the number that is printed on the door's card reader. Tap Go