Kenyon IT Service Status Page

You can use Kenyon's service status dashboard to check the current and past status of core and edge Kenyon-provided and supported services, such as Banner, Cognos, and other Kenyon software services.

The service status page also shows any recent outages or disruptions, as well as a percentage of historical uptime over the last 90 days.

Kenyon occasionally needs to perform maintenance on systems to keep them running well and to prevent larger and more severe unplanned outages in the future. We understand that planned maintenance periods can be disruptive, so we try to schedule them well in advance at times that minimize disruption to the College.
  • We never schedule maintenance windows between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
  • We avoid scheduling maintenance windows on Friday or over weekends, since if something goes wrong, getting support isn't normally available until the following Monday or Tuesday.
  • We avoid scheduling maintenance windows on Monday, since Mondays are generally a very productive day.
  • We avoid scheduling maintenance windows during the academic term.
When we plan a maintenance window, we'll let you know by email and by posting the planned maintenance window to our service status page, along with the services that may be affected. Not all services will be affected during a planned maintenance window.